What is Tarot & how it works?

Tarot is a system of archetypes, a picture-book of the human condition, reflecting our states of mind and stages of life. Over the past six hundred years, people have consulted the cards for religious instruction, spiritual insight, self-knowledge, and divining the future. The ancient symbols we see on the cards are designed to stimulate our intuition, connecting us with our higher selves or our divine or spiritual aspect.

Tarot has collected many esoteric associations over the years. A standard tarot deck includes seventy-eight cards, divided into two groups: twenty-two major arcana cards and fifty-six minor arcana cards. The word arcana means secret. The major arcana denote important life events or shifts, while the minor arcana cards reflect day-to-day events. The minor arcana cards can be seen as being more detailed aspects of the major arcana cards. Tarot shows each and every minute details of the life journey of a human being by the combination of the major arcana and minor arcana cards. To learn and read tarot it is very important to observe each and every minute detail description given in a card. Tarot card reading is more about observing the cards and less about memorizing the meaning of the cards. Therefore, the accuracy of a tarot reading depends upon the observation, understanding and correlation power of the reader.


The Fool (0): Beginnings and risks

The Magician (I): Action and manifesting

The High Priestess (II): Secrets & intuition

The Empress (III): Creativity & resources

The Emperor (IV): Power & boundaries

The Hierophant (V): Unity & education

The Lovers (VI): Love & decisions

The Chariot (VII): Progress & determination

Strength (VIII): Endurance & management

The Hermit (IX): Solitude & analysis

The Wheel of Fortune (X): Luck or fate & change

Justice (XI): Decisions and balance

The Hanged Man (XII): Waiting & sacrifice

Death (XIII): Change & transformation

Temperance (XIV): Negotiation

The Devil (XV): Restriction

The Tower (XVI): Breakdown and illumination

The Star (XVII): Hope and guidance

The Moon (XVIII): Crisis of faith; deep emotions

The Sun (XIX): Growth and recovery

Judgment (XX): The past; second chances

The World (XXI): Success and completion